Forging strong collaborations within the finance world

A Financial Controller is responsible for dealing with financial processes, operational elements of a business’s accounts and managing their team’s workload and deliverables. There are some key personal and communication skills required to be an effective FC, which is why Acuity Associates uses assessments as part of our recruitment process.

The Acuity Measure is an assessment tool which measures the skills and abilities of FCs and compares them to their peers or other candidates you’re considering for interview.

We only ever recommend individuals who are in the top quartile, giving you the assurance that your Fc is up to the job.

Discover more about the Acuity Measure

FC Executive Search

Acuity Associates prides itself on being an FC executive search company that has the tools and knowledge to identify high quality senior finance professionals. It’s important that our candidates excel in their roles and that both employer and employee benefit from the long-term success of a strong collaboration.

Fractional FC

Our part-time candidates undergo the same recruitment process as a full-time FC would. We use assessments to identify individuals who know how to improve business operations, have great financial aptitude and fit in with the culture of your organisation.

Interim FC

An interim FC can be brought in to improve and enhance processes, systems and reporting tools. Ultimately, they can save you money by guaranteeing accountancy accuracy and ensuring your business is being run in the most financially efficient manner.

Talk to Us

It's time to hire for capability. 
Not just qualifications.

The expert team at Acuity Associates are here to
help you with your Financial Recruitment.


+44 (0)20 3405 3080


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We only put forward candidates that have achieved a top 25% score vs. their peers.

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